
Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants can be life-changing if you have lost teeth due to age, illness, or injury. Dental implants can keep your smile looking great, while improving your capability to speak, chew and function. Implants can take away the discomfort of living with a lost tooth or teeth.

Take a look at the benefits of West Vista Dental’s dental implant services: 

Dental Implant Placement

At your initial consultation, appropriate images and measurements will be taken to determine if you are a candidate for a dental implant.  Once it has been determined that dental implants are right for you, our team can place the implant(s) on site without having to visit other offices or incur added costs. 

Dental Implant Restoration

Implants allow a variety of restorative options, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. If you have missing or broken teeth, you might not smile as much or chew as well as possible. Instead of hiding your grin, consider dental implant restoration. Dr. Loftis can evaluate your particular needs to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants and what restoration best fits your needs. 

Dental Implant Supported Dentures

Traditional dentures rest on the gum tissue in your mouth. Dental implant-supported dentures increase the amount of support, function, and comfort for denture patients. Usually, two or more implants placed by one of our dentists make it possible for some patients to comfortably wear dentures as a tooth replacement option. 

Do you currently have dentures that don’t fit well? Old dentures can be supported by implants as well! Just ask us how! 

Which dental implant service is right for your situation? Connect with our trusted, local team at West Vista Dental to schedule a consultation. 

Meet The Team

Dr. Kenley Loftis


